The North American Strawberry Growers Association (NASGA) will be meeting January 19-22, 2020 at the Holiday Inn San Antonio Riverwalk.
The conference will begin on Sunday January 19th with registration and an evening reception. Two full days of presentations are then scheduled for Monday and Tuesday followed by a Farm Tour on Wednesday January 22nd in the Poteet Strawberry growing area south of San Antonio.
The conference program will feature several speakers and include topics on strawberry production, pest management and marketing. Below is a list of speakers and topics they will be presenting. Titles may change as the final conference agenda is confirmed.
- Farm Profile - Johanna Storm of Storm Farms in Arlington, TX
- An Overview of Agriculture in Texas
- Increasing Texas Strawberry Production - through weed control, fertilizers, bio-stimulants and variety selection, as well as low tunnel usage - Russ Wallace Texas A&M University
- Strawberry Plant Physiology in Protected Culture - Chieri Kubota, Ohio State University
- Integrating Living Mulches into Annual Strawberry Production - Steve Poppe, University of Minnesota
- Managing Strawberry Pests With UV-C Technology - Fumi Takeda, USDA-ARS
- Plug Plant Production - Fertility, Watering Systems, Pest Management - Panel
- New Variety Release “Keepsake” Kim Lewers, USDA-ARS
- Strawberry Nursery Profile – Frederic Laforge, Production Lareault
- Berry Breeding and Genomic Development - Beatrice Amyotte, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- New Growing System SL Spain – Maximizing Space in Tabletop Strawberry Production
- Soil Health for Optimum Strawberry Production - Amanda McWhirt, University of Arkansas
- Weed Management in Plasticulture - Edgar Vinson, University of Auburn
- The Status and Behaviour of Strawberry Diseases
- History of the Poteet Strawberry Festival
- What’s Trending in Social Media Advertising
- Greenhouse Strawberry Production Technologies – Chieri Kubota, Ohio State University
- Winning Combinations of Day-Neutral Cultivars and Low-Tunnel Films – Kim Lewers, USDA-ARS
- Efficacy of Biopesticides
- UV-C Technology and Robotics for Small Scale Strawberry Growers – Fumi Takeda, USDA-ARS and Adam Stager, TRIC Robotics
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