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Sharp drop in Polish greenhouse tomato prices

This week's tomato market in Poland has been marked by price drops, according to analysts of the EastFruit project. The appreciation of these products a week earlier had a negative impact on sales, and therefore, traders have been forced to bring them down.

At the moment, greenhouse tomatoes are sold for about $ 0.63-0.70 / kg, which is on average 18% cheaper than at the end of the previous working week. According to project experts, the main reason for the price drop has been the deterioration of the product's quality, which has, in turn, led to lower demand. As a result, growers have been forced to reduce the selling prices, hoping that the pace of sales will accelerate as a result.

It is worth noting that, at the moment, the tomato supply is limited due to the cloudy weather. Despite this, Polish farms are offering tomatoes for prices that, on average, are 40% cheaper than in early October 2018. Nevertheless, many producers do not discard the possibility of further reducing the price of these products if the pace of sales in the greenhouse tomato segment doesn't improve.



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