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John Grootscholten, Daily Fresh Radish:

"Despite extreme weather condition Dutch radish 365 days a year"

"Greenhouse-grown radish is always reliable and available in the Netherlands," says John Grootscholten of Daily Fresh Radish.

"At the moment we are once again steaming and disinfecting for a clean start to the winter. We are also working on scaling up our area. This is all to ensure that if the cultivation takes longer again and there is less radish available, we still have the square metres and volumes to meet the winter demand."

Dennis and John Grootscholten

We have had a very varied year when it comes to weather," John discusses some of the weather reports below:

  • Record temperatures in February
  • A cold winter last year and ice skates in March: the warmest spring ever measured this year
  • Extremely dry weather causes issues for agri and horticulture
  • Italy hit by extreme weather again
  • Government must recognise heatwave as agricultural disaster
  • Damage due to drought and heatwave bigger that expected
  • Warmest August 25 ever measured
  • Summer 2019 had 3 extreme warm periods
  • Officially the hottest summer on the northern hemisphere
  • Extreme weather in Alicante, Valencia and Murcia with disastrous results
  • Damage to southeast Spain estimated at 1.5 billion Euro
  • The first ground frost has been reported in the Netherlands
  • Big rainstorm floods streets of Zandvoort

"It has been a bad year everywhere and for everyone who had to deal with it. But we were still able to supply daily fresh radish," says John. "We often grow behind the coast and under glass in Westland and we do that for a reason. Our radish can hide from the rain in the greenhouses and the screens can influence the level of sunlight. If they need heat or water we can always give it to them. We have enough silos with rain water that has been collected to irrigate the radish in dry times. When the water really threatens to run out, we have a nice clean ditch (the Poelkade) behind us with enough fresh flowing water from the Maasvlakte."

"When people throughout Europe are thinking of the beach and slowing down in the warm weather, we take extra care and check on our radishes hourly to provide them with fresh water. And when winter comes and it gets colder, wetter and darker and the cultivation starts to slow down, we start steaming for extra growing power and plant extra metres to make sure we have enough radish for our day to day customers. Reliability in supply takes a lot of money and effort but we understand how important it is for our customers and do everything we can to ensure it," concludes John.

For more information:

Daily Fresh Radish 
Hoge Geest 25 
2671 LK Naaldwijk
John: 0031 (0)6 51 59 28 38
Dennis: 0031 (0)6 54 24 44 14
F: 0031 (0)174 64 10 79
E: [email protected] 

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