A new greenhouse market scan focuses on the current situation in the modern greenhouse sector, including support measures of the Japanese government and an overview of newly built greenhouses. The government makes efforts to increase vegetable production. In 2014 the Next Generation Greenhouse program was started to supply the Japanese consumer with fresh domestic tomatoes, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Still, the cost price of domestically produced vegetables and flowers remain high in international comparison. Further yield increase at modern greenhouses by modern management and equipment is needed.
Cultivation area greenhouse sector
The installation area and the total cultivation area in Japan has declined steadily in the past decade. The installation area has decreased from 52,288 to 43,232 hectares and the total cultivation area has declined with nearly 20%, from 66,051 to 53,249 hectares. Greenhouses account for about 90% of these facilities, of which a small number consists of glasshouses containing vegetables, fruits, flowers, and plants.
High-tech has still not been developed to a sufficient capacity as found in the fact that only 40.3% of greenhouses have warming devices, and that only 2.2% of greenhouses have devices to control multiple climate conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light. Since the start of the next generation program, increasing interest has been shown to facilities with high-level climate controls. Especially in Japan, where there is difficulties in cultivation in summer (due to high temperatures and typhoons) the trend in protected horticulture has been rising in recent years.