On Monday 12 November, Colombian journalists visited the Tomatoworld Foundation, the World Horti Center and Koppert Biological Systems together with a representative of the Dutch embassy and the RVO. The purpose of this visit to the Netherlands was to connect ideas, regions and the future.
Colombian journalists, RVO and the Colombian embassy in the Tomatoworld greenhouse
The Colombian visitors visited the tomato greenhouse at Tomatoworld. Questions such as what the advantage of growing in the greenhouse is over growing outside and the price of tomatoes, which depends on supply and demand, were answered.
People were very surprised at the price of one kilo of tomato seed. Also about the fact that everything in the greenhouse was computer-controlled. The group was also very interested in geothermal heating and in city farming.
At the WHC the Colombians gained further insight into the innovative and sustainable Dutch greenhouse horticulture solutions and cooperation in the Dutch horticulture sector. This was followed by an introduction to the activities of Koppert Biological Systems in Colombia/South America by Mr Bram Klapwijk, Product Manager Plant Nutrition, Koppert Biological Systems and the delegation received more information about integrated crop protection.
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