"On behalf of fruit and vegetable growers across the country, the Canadian Horticultural Council (CHC) and the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) thank the federal government for providing carbon pricing relief for farmers. By recognizing the unique nature of farming, the government has taken additional steps to ensure that Canadian farmers can continue to grow fresh, affordable fruits and vegetables throughout the year, while remaining competitive in a global marketplace.
"Targeted relief for commercial greenhouse growers announced under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA) will see partial relief on the carbon tax applied to the natural gas and propane that is used to grow plants in a greenhouse. The targeted relief helps to level the playing field for Canadian greenhouse growers domestically, while at the same time keeping food affordable for Canadians. CHC and CPMA are particularly pleased that the government’s proposal includes upfront relief, through exemption certificates.
"CHC and CPMA will continue to evaluate how this announcement impacts farmers’ competitiveness in the global marketplace and the impact of carbon price increases over time. Additional concerns remain regarding the lack of relief for agricultural heating and cooling equipment. Canadian fruit and vegetable farmers, like other agricultural sectors, rely on heating and cooling to grow their crops and ensure that the harvested perishable products stay fresh, meet market requirements, and reduce food waste. Both organizations look forward to continued collaboration with Ministers MacAulay, McKenna and Morneau on this important issue.
“We are pleased that yesterday’s announcement supports a competitive greenhouse industry in Canada. I’ve seen first hand the results that this kind of protection has afforded growers in British Columbia. I have worked closely with the British Columbia government to develop a carbon pricing relief program that supports this province’s greenhouse farmers. Today I am pleased to see the federal government take steps to ensure our producers across Canada can continue to grow healthy fruits and vegetables in Canada for Canadians.” - Linda Delli Santi, Chair, Greenhouse Vegetable Committee, Canadian Horticultural Council
“CHC has been long advocating for relief for greenhouse farmers. This federal announcement is a big step towards a more predictable and stable business investment climate and reduce administrative burden. We look forward to seeing how the exemption certificates will be rolled out.” – Rebecca Lee, Executive Director, Canadian Horticultural Council
”We would like to thank the government for working collaboratively with us on ensuring relief for greenhouse growers. While more work remains to be done, we look forward to future engagement with the government on the carbon pricing scheme and our industry’s competitiveness.” – Ron Lemaire, President, Canadian Produce Marketing Association
For more information:
David Folkerson
Canadian Horticultural Council
Tel: +1 (613) 226-4497 x218 | Cell: 613-558-0083
[email protected]
Allan Gordon
Canadian Produce Marketing Association
Tel: +1 (613) 226-4187 x225 | Cell: 613-878-3312
[email protected]