LTO Glaskracht Nederland wants to increase the resilience of vegetables and cultivation systems together with LTO Netherlands, the business community and the government. To achieve this, the parties developed an ambitious program: 'Healthy Plants, Healthy Planet'. A government contribution of 12 million euros is needed annually for this five-year project.
The basic principle of the program is that in the year 2030 greenhouse horticulture will be even more interconnected with nature and the environment. This means that there's no more pollution in the environment and there are virtually no residues left on vegetables, plants and flowers. With this ambitious plan, Dutch greenhouse horticulture wants to acquire a strong market position worldwide with a sustainably grown product.
Achieving the objective of the program requires more research, training and stimulation measures. LTO Glaskracht Nederland and LTO Nederland therefore call on the government, the business community and its partners to help make this a reality.
Circular greenhouse
As stated in the vision of LTO Glaskracht Nederland, strong, resilient plants and the biological ecosystem form the basis of the circular greenhouse, and here attention is clearly given to the environment. This fits in well with the social needs to achieve more biodiversity and climate-neutral production.
Horticulture entrepreneurs have already invested considerably, but are now approaching financial limits for realizing their sustainable ambitions. "In order to realize a real breakthrough, LTO Glaskracht Netherlands wants to invest together with the business community and other partners in a multi-year implementation program Plant Health 2030. We explicitly ask the government to participate," said Sjaak van der Tak, chairman LTO Glaskracht Nederland.
Source: LTO Glaskracht / Helma Verberkt