Toronto based CO2 GRO announced that Dr. Matt Julius, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, St. Cloud State University, has agreed to take a nine-month sabbatical from his Professorship to work exclusively with GROW as Acting Chief Science Officer starting in January 2019. Dr. Julius’ appointment is subject to TSX Venture Exchange approval.
Recently Dr. Julius has overseen the CO2 GRO Foliar Spray trials and plant physiology experiments conducted on lettuce and peppers at St. Cloud State University, which saw significant improvements in CO2 conductance and demonstrated that CO2 conductance on plant leaf top surfaces was almost as effective as the bottom leaf surface, as well as dramatic (4x) gains in chlorophyll A growth. This has significant benefits to all agriculture producers, both indoors and outdoors.
Dr. Julius obtained his Ph.D., from the University of Michigan in 2000 and from 2000 has been a Professor of Biology at St. Cloud State University. Dr. Julius has authored and co-authored numerous papers with manuscripts appearing in many phycology focused publications along with non-algae based journals including Aquatic Toxicology and the Journal of Zoology. He was/is also an associate editor for Phycological Research and an associate editor for Diatom Monographs.
John Archibald, CEO of GROW stated "We are delighted to have Matt devote his entire sabbatical to focus exclusively on our North American client plant growers and agri-industrial partner relationships, advancing the commercial roll out of the CO2 Foliar Spray technology. Building our team of professionals, is another key piece of our plan and effort to accomplishing our paramount goal; accreting value to our shareholders.”