The latest results of the AHDB-funded research on soft fruit, particularly looking at pest and disease control, will be revealed at the Soft Fruit Day on 21 November.
A significant part of the AHDB/ EMR Association Soft Fruit Day, in East Malling, Kent, will focus on the wide-ranging research being dedicated to spotted wing drosophilia (SWD) control in all soft fruit crops, with the latest progress being announced.
Glen Fyne raspberries
Key presentations on SWD will cover national monitoring and spray intervals, the use of bait sprays for control and optimising attractants and repellents for use in control strategies.
Results of new trials on the use of garlic to reduce insect pests in strawberry will be made available along with the latest information on rose thrips in strawberry, their contribution to the malformation of fruit and how best to control it.
AHDB Knowledge Exchange Manager, Scott Raffle, said: “AHDB continues to fund a vast number of projects which are investigating the pest and disease problems that continually challenge soft fruit growers and lead to a reduction in revenue every year. Some very interesting progress has been made this season, and growers, agronomists and industry technologists attending the day will receive a comprehensive roundup of the most exciting developments.”
In addition to crop protection research, delegates at the event will learn about the EU-funded FERTINNOWA project on water and nutrient management and the latest developments at the NIAB EMR Wet Centre.
To sign up for the event, or for more details, visit