How do you satisfy those who love baby greens but possess an unpretentious yet discriminating palette? Those who have been searching for a straightforward mix with a bit more punch than a Spring Mix? Well, those are exactly the lettuce lovers lef Farms (pronounced “leaf”) is looking to attract with its newest blend of baby red and green leaf lettuce called Fusion.
“Our goal was to introduce a new mix that captures the hearts and taste buds of those looking for something simple but something that still carries a unique flavor and texture profile they can’t find in an everyday mix”, affirms lef’s President and CEO, Henry Huntington.
Similar to the approach lef took in the creation of its flagship Smooth and Spice mixes, lef performed an extensive analysis of the lettuce market. And what it uncovered was a sizable base that’s looking for a more straightforward lettuce option. But lef added its own flair by melding soft, red buttery Bibb lettuce with a crisper and more substantial Romaine variety, resulting in the distinctive combination found in lef’s new Fusion.
“Each bite gives our customers a wonderfully tasty and crunchy experience,” smiles lef’s Sales & Marketing Manager, Donald Grandmaison. “Whether they’re enjoying a Fusion salad or topping off their favorite sandwich with some fresh Fusion greens, our new blend is as versatile as you can get.”
Like all of its baby blends, lef's Fusion is harvested in a cooler at 35°F. This quickly removes heat created during the growing process in order to lock in fresh taste, increase post-harvest performance, and extend shelf life. And, like its other blends, Fusion greens are delivered to shelves and kitchens across the Northeast within just 24 hours of harvest.
Available in 4 oz. fuchsia-labeled clamshells, Fusion can be found, along with lef’s Smooth and Spice blends, at grocers all across the Northeast. For retailers, Fusion comes in an 8-pack case containing 32 oz. of lef-y goodness. And for food service, our 2 x 1.5 lb.-pack case amasses 3 lbs. of fresh Fusion in clear bags.
For more information:
lēf Farms
PO Box 7840
662 Route 106 North
Loudon, NH 03307 USA
P: 603.435.4500
F: 603.783.0250