Germany: Landgard strengthens international cooperative
Stefan Reincke is 43 years old and has many years of experience in the exotic and import segment. And he has extensive personal production contacts abroad.
Since 1998 he has been responsible for the development of the overseas import area and the operational management of the former Univeg Direct Fruit Marketing GmbH, today Greenyard Fresh Germany GmbH, most recently as Managing Director of Greenyard Fresh Germany GmbH.
Through Stefan Reincke, the Landgard Producer Cooperative will strengthen its purchases and sales of fruit, exotics and overseas products with its competences in the northern Landgard regions. The aim is to serve national retail customers with suitable foreign producers in greater detail and to optimize and centralize all processes.
"Based on Landgard's strong regional and national sourcing expertise, Stefan Reincke will continue to build and expand Landgard's international purchasing, procurement and sales overseas business for its strategic trading partners, with a focus on the North. Recently, this has already been successfully implemented by Landgard in markets such as Asia, Israel and Spain," said Armin Rehberg, CEO of Landgard.
In due course, Landgard will inform its trading partners regarding product portfolio, location issues, countries and services. Stefan Reincke will work on the sales side with the existing sales directors of the Landgard companies at Godeland, Landgard West Fruit & Vegetables, Magli & Noël, Walter Pott and Landgard Ost Fruits & Vegetables. He will also start to build up the new structures in the Northern region.
For more information:
Landgard Service GmbH
Veilingstr. A1
DE - 47638 Straelen-Herongen
Tel.: +49 2839 59-00
Fax: +49 2839 59-1999
[email protected]