Indonesia issues regulation on import of horticulture seeds
The regulations shall be stipulated as basis of service for the importation of seeds.
The regulations shall be aimed at:
a) guaranteeing the availability of seeds and their quality, sufficiency and continuity;
b) boosting the growth of domestic seed industry;
c) increasing genetic diversity and preserving biological security;
d) driving up state earnings. The regulations shall be stipulated as basis of service for the importation of seeds.
Import provision
The importation of seeds may be executed by business entities, government institutions, plant observers, and/or individuals, after securing license from the Minister.
It shall aim at:
a) registering horticultural varieties for circulation;
b) procuring quality seeds for commercial purposes;
c) procuring parent stocks for the multiplication of seeds from the registered varieties;
d) developing seeds for export purpose;
e) producing fresh products and/or processed industrial raw materials to be marketed overseas and/or domestically;
f) executing proficiency test in the framework of accrediting seed quality laboratories;
g) executing new, unique, uniform and stable test (BUSS) for the protection of plant varieties;
h) the need for plant observers;
i) exhibition/promotion materials;
j) activity of contest and the implementation of quality test in the framework of publishing orange certificate and blue certificate according to the Law of International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).
Further reading:
Source: Agroberichten Buitenland