RHP certification for AS Tootsi Turvas
Based on research and controls carried out by ECAS, the company meets the requirements as described in the RHP Product Certification Scheme. With the certification of AS Tootsi Turvas now in total 70 certified companies around the world have joined RHP, of which 25 companies have peat for horticulture in their assortment.
AS Tootsi Turvas is one of the biggest peat companies in Estonia. The company was founded in 1919 and is active with the extraction and processing of peat as well as packaging of peat products. The major part of the company´s sales comes from horticultural peat. During 2016 AS Tootsi Turvas exported horticultural peat to 15 countries. AS Tootsi Turvas is part of the Finnish company VAPO.
For more information:
Galgeweg 38
2691 MG 's-Gravenzande
T: +31 (0)174 62 03 60
F: +31 (0)174 64 04 13
[email protected]