Tomato plant's male reproduction organs shrivel under high temperatures
Rising temperatures on earth - and the increasing frequency of heat waves in particular - cause lower agricultural yields. To avoid possible problems in food supply, Ivo Rieu and his colleague biologists at Radboud University study the mechanisms behind these processes. They wonder why flowers become sterile under high temperatures and how this disables their ability to produce seeds and fruits.
Radboud University’s molecular plant physiologists focus on the tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicum). In 2014, the world production of this crop was approximately 165 million tons; The Netherlands produce 1 million tons. Furthermore, The Netherlands are a world leader in breeding, producing and selling tomato seeds.
The anatomy of a flower (source: Wikipedia)
In the PLOS ONE article, the researchers show that the male reproduction organs of tomato plants – the stamen, made up of a filament with an anther – become less virile under continuous high temperatures of 32 or 34 degrees Celsius. The anthers deform, and the temperature reduces the pollen’s quality and quantity. Through genetic analysis, the biologists discovered that these effects are caused by a lowered expression of the genes that define the floral organ identity. Ivo Rieu’s research group also studies genes that provide plants with an increased heat resistance. More knowledge about these processes is useful for the cultivation of heat resistant tomatoes and other crops.
Source: Radboud University