Indoor Ag-Con and substrate from Mars
More remarkable news from April 2016? Yes! On April 1, we had the scoop of with a story of a large scale greenhouse trial with substrate from Mars. ncreased rooting, less disease pressure, a lower energy bill, maximum yield. These are just few results of the large scale commercial trial with Martian soil substrates at Dutch greenhouse grower Yob de Sjin. The bell pepper and tomato grower got acquainted with Martian soil after reading about it in several news media. "Researchers from Wageningen University were trialing the Martian soil. I realized the potential of it and bought some Mars to trial in my own nursery."
A more serious article that was very well read in April 2016 was the recap from the Ask-me-Anything session with Village Farms' CEO Mike DeGligio at the Indoor Ag-Con. In this article, the CEO of one of North America's largest growers of premium quality greenhouse tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers, voiced his trust in the development of protected agriculture.