Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and mice, is there a connection?
Deepening the current topics was a success at the general meeting of FrisKom. Last week, there were two more on the agenda, along with questions from its own administration.
Mosaic virus
This year, there were many reports from mid -September of plants with mosaic virus. These were of the third crop, which was planted mid-June. It was noted however that the symptoms showed two months after planting and that there was no infection in the two prior cycles. "The mosaic virus was previously more common and possible sources of contamination were, for example, casks of birds”, says Joop de Hoog. "What is also striking, are the many reports of mice in and around the greenhouse. During cleaning of the greenhouse, they found many mouse nests in the soil. “Therefore, they conclude that there is a connection between the mice and the mosaic virus. Therefore you need to be alert to mice.”
Mice damage in the greenhouse. Photo via Van Eck Bedrijfshygiëne, active in combating rodents.
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