Bram Steiner Award 2016 goes to Professor Angelo Signore
His article was published in “Frontiers in Plant Science”, volume 7, March 2016.
The Award was presented on October 12th during the first meeting of the successor of the Studygroup Soilless Culture, the Studygroup Plant and System Innovations in Global Horticulture (website) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. In his speech, Professor Paul Struik, Crop Physiology Wageningen University, and chairman of the jury honoured professor Signore. Han Swinkels, chairman of the board of KLV, the central organization for all study groups, handed over the Award.
Professor Signori (in the middle) with his wife and Han Swinkels
Professor Signore was in the position to receive the prize - a certificate plus 2,000 euro – in person and was very grateful for the acknowledgement in the country in which the soilless culture was started and developed.
His article was selected from a lot of cited articles published the past 3 years in scientific publications.
Selection criteria were: an outstanding article, related to soilless culture, innovative, with new insights based on reliable data and published in a journal with a high scientific standing.
The research described in the article focuses on minimizing the environmental impact of closed greenhouse production systems by tuning the supply of nutrients to the uptake by the plants. With this also the restricted update of ions like sodium are taken into account as well as the crop stage. The trials were conducted in cherry tomatoes, grown in an NFT-system.
Click here for the article.
The Studygroup Plant and System Innovation in Global Horticulture congratulates Professor Signore with the Bram Steiner Award 2016.