The average price of organic bell peppers in the 2015/2016 campaign has been 40.48 percent more expensive than that reached by the conventional, according to data from the Prices and Markets Observatory of Andalusia, an institution under the Council of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development of Andalusia.
In the campaign that has just ended, the average price obtained by organic peppers was 1.18 euros per kilo, compared to 0.84 euros per kilo for those grown conventionally.
Nevertheless, the price trend for organic peppers is negative, because even though the demand for organic vegetables increases every year in Central Europe, there is already greater competition at origin, due to the yearly expansion of the acreage devoted to organic cultivation in Almeria.
Campaign summary
As reported by the Observatory, the mild winter temperatures in Almeria, combined with a greater preference on the part of growers for extra early and early crops this season, have led to the crop's cycle being completed remarkably early, compared to previous campaigns. Although the season ends in the first half of April, the volumes in those weeks were insignificant.
As a result of this shortening of the growing season, 81% of the volume of organic bell peppers was marketed between the months of October and January.
Obviously, the lowest prices corresponded to the months with the highest volume and stood below 1 €/kg in the months of November and December.
From the second half of March, and 2-3 weeks ahead of the usual dates, due to the mild winter weather, the Murcian productions hit the market. These usually overlap with the peppers from the Netherlands and compete in the German market, the main market buyer of organic fruits and vegetables.
In the middle of March, the price of red and yellow bell peppers dropped sharply, although sales volumes at this time were very low, less than 7% in March and 2% in April.
Red peppers predominate and account for 60% of the sales volumes.
When looking at pepper sales, it is important to note the predominance of bulk marketing for later repackaging by the customer of organic vegetables, with the aim of increasing their added value.
Compared with conventional bell peppers, the organic has proportionately less importance in the tricolour format.