Canada: Successful seminars on Next Generation Growing
All customers, regardless of their current climate computer, were welcomed into the seminar for the Next Generation Growing of which Hoogendoorn is one of the founding fathers. “We are doing some amazing new things in the Netherlands and when we are such a big part in the research, it becomes our responsibility to share the knowledge with the growers abroad,” states Rob Gibson, who is the local Hoogendoorn representative in Canada.
During this seminar Rene Beerkens, a Hoogendoorn greenhouse climate consultant from the Netherlands, flew down to discuss the three balances of the plant and how to save money on energy for businesses in Canada. With the new techniques involved, growers can start slowly into looking at the how to optimize the growth of their plants and save energy while doing it. The seminar was a success and followed by comments like, “I much appreciated the seminar, and learned more in 5 hours than probably in the last 5 years about the physics of a plant.”
Following the Niagara seminar the Hoogendoorn team came to Leamington for a “Master Class” specifically meant for their customers. The Master Class was a course designed for Hoogendoorn customers in order to teach them about settings, how to navigate the system and ways to get more out of it. In order to provide the right horticulture solutions in climate control automation the practical use of the system must be taught and it is Hoogendoorn’s philosophy to share knowledge to their customers. This full day event went from basic training settings to more advanced ways of controlling with vents, screens and humidity control.
Together with their partner Gryphon Automation they were able to have a huge success rate of 99% of Hoogendoorn customers who attended the Master Class. Hoogendoorn continues to support and cooperate with all their partners in order to give their customers the right horticulture solutions that suits their individual needs.
For more information:
Hoogendoorn America
Robert Gibson, Area Account Manager
[email protected]