Ravi Patel and Naren Patel at the FlowersExpo in Moscow, Russia.
As well as this, Subati has just planted fruit trees. Due to the addition of these different products to their assortment, Subati Flowers will continues as the Subati Group.
Subati Group currently grows roses in greenhouses spanning 86 ha. The grower wants to increase this production acreage to 100 ha, aside of adding herbs. "We will remain in the flower business, but we decided to diversify our assortment with other products", says Naren Patel, owner of the company.

The new 20 ha greenhouse, in which they will grow basil, tarragon and mint, is currently being builtin Kibwezi. The greenhouse is of a similar design like their rose greenhouses.
According to Patel, there is a lot of potential for cultivating herbs in Kenya, however there are not many growers. "The Kenyan climate is excellent, and the logistics to European wholesalers are already set.

There are just a few herb growers in Kenya, mainly because of the sensitivity of the product'', says Patel. Patel has many years of experience in growing roses, but to him growing herbs is something new. "That is why we hired consultants that will support us with starting up the company".

Next to herbs, the Subati Group has planted mango and pomegranate trees in the open fields. It will take about five years till they will pick the first fruit from these.
For more information
Subati Group
Naren Patel
Email: [email protected]