Mr. Van Eck succeeds Mr. Jaap den Dekker, who will leave GSPP after 7 years. GSPP would like to convey its appreciation and thanks for his chairmanship and putting GSPP on the global map in the past years. In the coming months there will be an introduction program for the new chairman and activities will be transferred to him.
The new chairman studied biology and Dutch law at the University of Utrecht and specialized in plant pathology. He has a PhD on the ecology of soil borne pathogens.
After his study he worked among others as a scientist at Wageningen. He worked at the Plant Protection Service on the registration of pesticides. He was deputy director Public health at the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports in The Hague. In his last position at the NVWA he was responsible for the management of risks posed by plant pests and diseases and ensuring that measures are in place to manage those risks and to minimize their impact.
Mr. Van Eck and GSPP are looking forward to the future international cooperation in the tomato production chain between seed companies, seed producers, plant raisers and the tomato growers and to further spread the vision of GSPP: to prevent tomato seed and plant lots from being infected by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm).
For more information:
Vossenburchkade 68
2805 PC Gouda
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)182 68 86 68
Fax: +31 (0)182 68 86 67
[email protected]