The hotel teamed up with the Bangsai Agricultural Centre to develop a business model and realize the rooftop farm that consists of several greenhouse structures which are equipped with hydroponic gutter systems to produce a wide range of locally grown and certified organic produce.
Bangsai Agricultural Centre is a family owned Thai business and one of the few companies in Thailand active in hydroponics. They researched the practice of soilless culture for more than 6 years and have successfully developed specialized equipment and technology that would enable growing on a rooftop in the heat of Bangkok, year round.

The farm has several sections, including propagation and germination greenhouses and greenhouse and tunnel farm with NFT gutters, container crops and hydroponic raft systems installed. Fogging systems are used in order to cool the crops when needed.
The fresh produce is selected daily by the Chefs of the Anantara restaurant. They have the option to choose from a wide range of Asian and Western vegetables, salads, herbs and greenhouse vegetables like organic tomatoes, green zucchini and cucumbers. As well as this the farm produces mixed greens, rocket salads and micro greens. Even melons are grown on the rooftop!

According to the Anantara, the hydroponic rooftop farms is able to produce between 12 and 50 kilograms of each product every day.