UK: Certis fungicide Takumi SC certified for strawberries
Selchuk Kurtev, Certis IPM Manager, explains the importance of this development for the soft fruit industry. “Strawberries represent almost 50% of the value of all UK grown fruit, and are therefore one of the most important, high value, home-grown fruit crops for the country.
“However, a big challenge faced by the sector relates to a high proportion of the most favoured strawberry cultivators being highly susceptible to powdery mildew.
“There are several active ingredients growers currently have access to for the control of such disease outbreaks. But, the long strawberry harvest season and the potential loss of some staple actives pose a big concern to powdery mildew control going forward,” says Mr Kurtev.
Takumi SC is a fully registered plant protection product formulated to provide translaminar and vapour action, helping it move through the leaf enhancing overall protection.
“When used within a programme with other mildew products, with different modes of action, there is the opportunity to apply Takumi SC twice to target mildew.
“There is also the added advantage that Takumi SC only has a three day harvest interval, and can be used as a preventative or curative option by altering the concentration of the product used,” he says.
The EAMU approval states that for use of Takumi SC on strawberry crops, the maximum individual dose is 150ml/Ha. Growers can make a maximum of two applications per crop, per year, providing a seven day interval is left between applications.
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Certis Europe