Automatically recognized pests are marked with yellow rectangles. Since throughout the Trapview applications a yellow colour means your attention is needed, the same goes for the yellow rectangles in the automatically processed images. A chance that the automated readings are not optimal always exists. It could happen that some of the targeted pests are being missed or that some of non-targeted pests are being marked and thus blurring the statistics.
One of the advantages of the Trapview automated image recognition module is its ability to learn, or better, remember user input (markings) and it takes it into consideration the next time when automated recognition and marking is done on the same sticky plate.
The manual review is done in the image editor initiated by clicking “Mark pests” in the options menu.
The sample image above shows that one pest above the pheromone is not marked, a wrong marking of an intruder right next to it and several false markings, where only wing dust is present, but there are no insects there. There are also a few markings including two insects in the same rectangle.
The picture below shows the process of manual review and marking. By selecting a square we can resize it by dragging one of the blue dots in any direction. The false markings are erased by selecting the rectangle and pressing the icon in the toolbox below the picture. The markings including two insects at the same time are first resized to include only one insect and a new rectangle is created for the second insect (see the pair of insects to the right from the pheromone).
In the picture below you can see that in the picture taken a few days later there are a few new yellow markings indicating new catches. The intruder above the pheromone is not automatically marked and the false markings are not present anymore. The pairs of insects insects initially marked with the same rectangle remain ungrouped.
This is how the manual review of automated markings has taught the Trapview automated pest recognition to include the user remarks in the later images of the same sticky plate and improved the accuracy.