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US (NY): Growtainer refocuses on stainless steel rack system for affordable, scalable Indoor Ag

As recently as April 2015, Growtainer founder Glenn Behrman wasn’t sure his shipping container indoor ag product was ready for prime time.

“I did not feel that the Growtainer was ready to sell,” he says. “I didn’t want to make promises or commitments to anybody. Lots of people don’t know what they’re getting themselves into—I would rather lose the sale because I’m honest.”

But with a new focus on the scalability and affordability afforded by the product’s Growracks, he’s ready to move forward.

A horticulturist and businessman, Behrman drew inspiration from PlantLab’s indoor farming efforts in Amsterdam, which motivated him and his business partner Alan Helene to develop growing systems inside shipping containers. 

A pivotal moment came when Behrman spoke at the 2015 Indoor Ag Conference, which took place last spring in Las Vegas. He became reinvigorated about his vision regarding the Growtainer, and accepted that he was (and still is) on a learning curve. But rather than let that discourage him, he uses it for motivation.

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