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US: Shoppers don't want processed, pre-packaged food anymore

A drastic change in the way people shop and eat is having a huge impact on Big Food, which is scrambling to catch up.

Big Food is having a panic attack. Sales are plummeting steadily because shoppers are simply not interested in what big food companies have to offer. McDonalds’ sales per outlet have been dropping for the past three years. Frozen dinner sales are down 12 percent between 2007 and 2013. Per capita soda sales are down 25 percent since 1997. Orange juice consumption has dropped 45 percent, and sugary breakfast cereals are down 25 percent since 2000.

Shoppers don’t want to buy these kinds of processed foods anymore. We have learned about what goes on in factories; what is added to these foods to make them look, taste, and stay the way they do; and what sugar, fat, and salt do to our bodies, not to mention countless other additives. We are tired of the constant recalls and contamination scares.

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