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UK: Community vegetable garden project wins 'Young People’s Award'
Steve’s Leaves recently announced the winner of the Young People’s category at the CPRE Hampshire Countryside Awards.
Purbrook Park Secondary School received the award for its community vegetable garden project, which has been an integral part of the student’s ‘Learning Outside’ programme. The project will provide a legacy to the school and the surrounding community by supplying fresh vegetables in the future. The project also helped participating students learn about growing fresh produce, the countryside, and develop new skills.
The awards recognise projects that enhance the environment, quality of life in the county and celebrate a beautiful, diverse countryside. Nature friendly farming is at the very heart of Steve’s Leaves ethos; 10 per cent of the land on Steve’s Leaves farms is dedicated to boosting nature and biodiversity, their farms are the only salad farms in the world to be certified as ‘Fair to Nature’ by Conservation Grade.
Emily Dow, Brand Manager at Steve’s Leaves said ‘Congratulations to Purbrook Park Secondary School, we were particularly impressed by the project, it is a great example of young people making a real difference to their environment and community. The standard of entries was very high, which shows there is a real passion within schools and youth groups to take a positive role in community and environmental projects, which the CPRE awards aim to foster”.