US (GA): Global trade focus at Fresh Summit
The first global trade-session, starting at 12:45pm on Friday, will highlight key trade agreements under negotiation such as TPP and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The second of the sessions will look at issues impacting maritime shipping.. To start the session, economist Andriy Yarmak from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations will explore key global markets and trends that will impact ocean transportation in the coming years. This will be followed by a panel discussion with leaders engaged in the maritime transport industry and fresh produce who will explore opportunities, challenges, and strategies for overcoming disruptors.
"More and more produce moves across international frontiers. Those in our business from all exporting and importing countries--whether growers, packers, marketers, or buyers-- need to know the rules of the game, rules that are largely negotiated between governments,” said Christian Schlect, president of Northwest Horticultural Council and a panelist in the trade agreements session.
For more information on all of the education workshops at this year’s Fresh Summit, click here.