The annual trade show, held this year for the 17th time over the weekend of September 12-13, is the main event for the local greenhouse industry in Poland. Every year the show houses a wide selection of 220 greenhouse suppliers, constructors, consultants and young plant growers. The show attracts both vegetable and ornamental growers, while vegetable production sets the tone.

As Poland houses a vivid, high tech greenhouse vegetable sector, every year a large group of Dutch greenhouse suppliers are present at the show. Chris Aarts of C&E Draadbewerking, a supplier of tomato hooks and specialized bended wire products, was so kind to submit a few pictures of the show.

A group with Dutch suppliers and representatives of Svensson, Horticoop, HollandScherming, HollandGaas, Crone, C&E Draadbewerking, Certhon, Van der Waay, Empas and Klaarsan was present at the booth of their Polish partner Jacek Jaksa. Jaksa is responsible for an estimated 70% of the current greenhouse projects in Poland.

If you have interest in visiting or attending the event next year, please visit www.dni-ogrodnika.pl for more information or send an e-mail to [email protected].