Also starting on September 1, Daniel Stanciu has been appointed new director of Marketing and Strategy for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. "Given the background of these three colleagues, we are confident that they will contribute to the development of the company in Europe," stated Cristina Ionescu, HR Lead Monsanto Eastern Europe.
Chioreanu joined Monsanto in Romania in August 2007 as regional sales director, coordinating a sales team and contributing to business development in the region. In August 2010 he was appointed marketing director for Romania and Bulgaria, and in July 2013 he held the position of general manager for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. "The main goals for Cosmin Chioreanu in his new position are business development, at both strategic and operational level, and the strengthening of the company's position as the industry leader in innovative farming solutions in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia," said the statement.
In turn, Octavian Chihaia has been part of the Monsanto team in Romania since April 2007, holding management positions in sales and marketing. With the new position as general manager for for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, Octavian Chihaia will continue to focus on both strategy development and the implementation of Monsanto's expanding operations in the area.
For his part, Daniel Stanciu has taken over as Director of Marketing and Strategy for Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova from Octavian Chihaia and will be coordinating marketing activities, strategy and development of distribution networks in South-Eastern Europe. Over time, Stanciu has held various positions in important agricultural companies in the country, and in November 2014 joined Monsanto Romania.
Monsanto has been active in Romania since 1998 and currently has over 150 employees. Monsanto produces seeds for fruits, vegetables and other major crops such as corn, soybeans and cotton.