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Belgium: Lettuce prices steady

The lettuce market is doing very well right now. "Everything's moving along, there are no outliers above or below. For this time of the year prices are where they should be," says grower Filip Verlae. "We could actually say the same thing about autumn as well." According to him, the prices are comparable to previous years.

Doesn't make up for last winter 

He said that the price hovered around 4.5 euros on December 17th. "Compared with this past summer the price is really good, but right now we are in the middle of winter. Cultivation takes longer and costs more labor, so that definitely makes a difference. In addition, last winter was disappointing because of the mild weather, so in terms of prices we did expect something higher. The prices this winter were unfortunately not able to make up for the prices last winter."

The yields are good, and near the holidays more demand is expected. "That will probably begin next week. We still have a lot of volumes. It has been warm for a while, if it starts getting colder, production will be hindered. But we will still have to wait and see what happens," says Filip Verlae who grows his lettuce for Tomabel. 

For more information:
Filip Verlae
Pater van Eeckestraat 22
8870 Izegem
Tel: (051)-311801
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