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Case study at a Dutch strawberry grower

Reduction in energy consumption with the energy-efficient LED flowering lamps

Brookberries Venlo BV is run by Marcel Dings and Peter van den Eertwegh. Because of their different backgrounds, they complement one another excellently in their search to achieve the ultimate goal: to grow exactly the strawberries that the market wants in an economic and socially responsible way. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is more than just a fashionable term for this company, which grows strawberries at two locations in Belfeld and one in Venlo. This can be seen from the fact that the location in Venlo, in the South of The Netherlands, uses aquifers that store heat in summer and then supply this in winter in the form of residual heat to its nearby care center Zorggroep Noord-Limburg. Brookberries is known as one of the most innovative and market-oriented companies in the strawberry sector. The company is a member of the Fossa Eugenia growers association, which arranges the sale of the strawberries.

The challenge

Many growers use incandescent lamps to encourage good elongation of the strawberry plant. Since 1 September 2012 the sale of a large number of types of incandescent lamp has been banned throughout the European Union in order to reduce energy consumption. It is up to the growers to find alternatives that are at least as good for their crops as incandescent lamps. Dings and van den Eertwegh are making things even more difficult for themselves by also looking for an energy-efficient and sustainable solution. They have learned from other Philips projects about the possibilities for using LEDs as control lighting. In 2012 they themselves conducted trials at one of the locations in Belfeld for switching to a Philips solution. Previous tests at the famous Hoogstraten Test Center showed that LEDs are ideal for replacing incandescent lamps as far as crop performance is concerned. However, Brookberries was not only seeking the solution that is best for the crop, but also for a socially responsible approach.

The solution

In 2012 the location in Belfeld started to use a variety of light sources instead of the cyclic lighting that used to be provided by 150-watt incandescent lamps. Brookberries decided to deploy the Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp. They were convinced about the advantages of the cyclic lighting for plants using this energy-efficient solution. So in early 2014 the decision was made to install the LED flowering lamps on an area of over 7 hectares at the new location in Venlo.


One of the most important advantages of LED lighting compared with incandescent lamps is the spectacular reduction in energy consumption. This was confirmed by the energy savings of 88%. This means a major improvement for the business operations and meets Brookberries’ express wish to grow crops with the environment in mind. The LED flowering lamp with far red light can match the incandescent lamp with even better results. The plants respond well and, for instance, show improved elongation, making early and increased production possible. Brookberries is so pleased with the results that a winter crop of the Sonata variety is planned for the coming season.

For more information
Email: [email protected]
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