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Project proves success in Rwanda

Hundreds of vulnerable individuals have benefited from Francophone d'Appui au Developpement Local (Profadel), a project under the Ministry of Local Government which is funded by the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF).

Under the project, farmers in the districts of Nyanza, Ngororero and Rutsiro were helped to come up with income generating activities which were then funded for implementation.

The projects, which are mainly in the sector of agriculture, livestock farming and water infrastructure development, have so far been funded at a tune of Rwf232 million, according to Vedaste Hakizimana, the Profadel focal point at the Ministry of Local government.

Last week, officials from the ministry and the OIF toured supported projects in Nyanza District to assess the impact, evaluate possible challenges and forge a way forward. Among the visited included 43 hectares of consolidated banana plantations in Kigoma Sector and green house tomato farming in Busasamana Sector.

Farmers said during the visit that the projects had greatly helped transform their lives.

Vincent Munyeshyaka, the ministry's Permanent Secretary, urged farmers to maximise profits from the support they are getting. He also called upon farmers to work hard to improve their productivity and look for ways of adding value to their products before they are sold in order to make more money.

Speaking during the visit, Boubacar Noumansana, the OIF Director for the Great Lakes and Indian Ocean Region, pledged continued support to the projects as a way of ensuring that the lives of beneficiaries continue to improve.

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