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India: No new saplings in 2015 from BBMP

Why is Bengaluru not becoming green despite so much rhetoric by our netas? While it is easy to attribute it to the ever-increasing concrete jungle, here comes another shocker: The Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) says it has no saplings to plant in the city in 2015-16.

The issue came to the fore on Tuesday when a majority of the corporators sought to know how many saplings have been planted in the city in the last four years. The BBMP's forest department officials' reply was: "How could we have planted saplings when you did not release any money?"

BBMP's chief conservator of forests Brijesh Kumar said, "We do not have the financial resources to raise saplings. We won't be able to plant a single sapling in the year 2015-16 as all our nurseries are empty. If we were to plant seeds, then we should have started work in our nurseries.

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