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Head of Monsanto Hawaii talks about battle over GMOs

"The challenge is clearly people still have questions. Still have concerns," said John Purcell, the head of Monsanto Hawaii.

In the six months Purcell has been at the helm, Monsanto Hawaii has been embroiled in a battle to keep its operations running.

Despite a nearly $8 million campaign, Maui County voters agreed to temporarily ban the growth of genetically modified organisms until the county deems it safe. That almost immediately triggered a lawsuit by GMO seed companies Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences and the Maui Farm Bureau.

"We just know the devastation this initiative would bring so we needed to make sure we were doing what we can to avoid that," said Purcell.

"I believe the only financial impact would be on the corporation's bottom line, not on our community," said Sam Small of the Shaka Movement, an anti-GMO group.

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