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Efficient strapping for transport trolleys with MPAC
In the past, customers used to manually cover transport trolleys with wrapping foil, but along with its customers, Cyklop sought a more efficient solution. The Cyklop MPAC PLT HE is the result of this search. By moving from manual to semi-automatic wrapping, tens of thousands of Euro can be saved in the strapping of flower trolleys.
Salvino Mandala, Account Manager at Cyklop, made the following estimations:
By using the MPAC PLT HE, a higher number of bulbs per layer and trolley can be transported. 12 can thus be placed on each layer, instead of 9, so that the total amount of pallets can be reduced from 36 to 27. This leads to a saving of € 13,000 on an annual basis.
Cost savings through the use of strapping instead of hand wrap film range from € 1,650 up to € 6,500.
For a more stable transport, the bulbs are usually placed in cardboard boxes. Because of there being multiple bulbs per layer and the PP strap ensuring that nothing protrudes outside the cart, the boxes have become redundant. This entails a saving of about 10%, which can amount to over € 5000.