International Grow Group Conference held for the 5th time
The GGC is divided in two parts. The first part is where external speakers present technical developments in their specialized businesses. One of the themes was substrates, where Klasmann-Deilmann, Van der Knaap and Grodan the latest developments in substrates presented. Another theme was climate and growth of the plants, where Svensson presented the latest developments about new energy and shade screens and Peter Klapwijk about the different growth factors and their influence on plant growth. Rijk Zwaan gave an overview of the worldwide demographic and technical trends.
The other part of the GGC was about new developments within the partners of Grow Group. After an interesting tour at Grow Schwante, four new involved partners presented their propagation companies to the rest of the group. Another development in Mexico was presented by Pharis Rico. This new initiative is named “HortiConnect NL” and with different suppliers in horticulture they started to gain extra added value for the Mexican growers. Grow Palanta presented their experiences by the investment in a new geothermic For the first time at the GGC there were sessions in smaller groups to get discussions about specialized subjects.
Next to all these presentations there was also time for networking and sharing knowledge between the partners. The aim of the conference is that all partners involved in the network of Grow Group share knowledge and get extra knowledge to use in their propagation company. Due to the interesting program and good discussions Grow Group is convinced that these aims have been reached.
For more information:
Grow Group
[email protected]