New CntrlZ fertilizer of AgraTech now available in Europe
Where today regulations concerning fertilizer leaching into ground-water are not regionally enforced; tomorrow it will be mandated in every country.
CntrlZ is the first granular fertilizer line that controls leaching and loss from rain/water/soil moisture, heat, pH, ammonification and premature conversion. CntrlZ is not a coating, does not “wash-off” and reduces dry/granular fertilizer costs by as much as 50%: half. CntrlZ is not an additive: it is integral to the manufacturing process.
AgraTech Solutions is the manufacturer of high-efficiency liquid fertilizers, organic and conventional, that reduce fertilizer inputs, reduce (or eliminate) salt leaching and reduce waste water while finishing a crop faster.
AgraTech liquids are manufactured in both injection versions and foliar versions. The injection versions are low/no salt versions that do not leach from media and do not need recycling. The foliar versions can raise and finish an entire crop without the need for any injection fertilizers at all.
Both injection products and foliar products are natural mined minerals with supplemental nutrients critical for long, stressful growing conditions: heat, low-light and cold.
Both injection and foliar reduce heating requirements, increase production and eliminate some of the need for disease control applications: saving growers as much as 45% of fertility & disease control costs.
For more information:
AgraTech Solution, LLC.
Kirkland WA, USA
[email protected]