US (TX): Austin program July 23 will help small-scale producers get ‘MarketReady’
“The MarketReady program addresses the market development risks and relationships small-scale farmers and ranchers must manage as they seek to develop supplier relationships with restaurants, grocery, wholesale and food service buyers,” said Daphne Richards, AgriLife Extension agent for Travis County and a program coordinator.
Richards said the training will address communications and relationship building, packaging, labelling, pricing, supply, delivery, quality assurance, storage, invoicing, insurance, marketing and more.
“The morning portion will focus on selling to restaurants,” said presenter Marco Palma, AgriLife Extension agricultural economist, College Station.
This will be followed by lunch, then afternoon sessions to focus on grocery and wholesale sales.
Palma said the training would help small-scale food producers learn effective practices for approaching and selling to businesses such as restaurants, caterers and grocery stores or chains.
Regular registration is $50,and $65 for late and on-site registration. To register, call 979-845-2604 or go to and enter “urban” or “farming” in the search field.
For more information, contact Palma at 979-845-5284, [email protected].