Disinfect and sanitize your greenhouse for the new Poinsettias
New to the greenhouse industry, SaniDate 5.0 keeps non-food contact surfaces free from plant pathogens, as well as human health pathogens. Effective against bacteria and moulds, SaniDate 5.0 is a peroxycompound disinfectant/sanitizer that works quickly to remove pathogens and their spores from non-food contact surfaces and equipment.
ZeroTol 2.0 works immediately to keep disease pressure down in crops. Effective against Erwinia, Botrytis, and Rhizoctonia, ZeroTol 2.0 is also a peroxycompound chemistry that quickly removes pathogens and their spores from plants and cutting tools.
AzaGuard is an organic insecticide that effectively reduces over 300 insect species including Whiteflies, Fungus Gnats and Shore Flies. Made from azadirachtin, food grade ingredients, and over 100 biologically active other ingredients, AzaGuard provides a multiple mode of action formulation for use on all greenhouse crops.
BioSafe Systems’ products are sustainable and leave no harmful residues. SaniDate 5.0 and ZeroTol 2.0 are chlorine alternatives that have no disinfection byproducts. “The growing season for poinsettias is important to growers and also to us. Setting them up with a program of BioSafe Systems products sets them up for a successful, healthy growing season,” says BioSafe Systems Ornamental Sales Manager Jeff Kline.
For more information about BioSafe Systems’ Poinsettia Program, call BioSafe Systems at 888.273.3088 or visit www.biosafesystems.com.
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BioSafe Systems
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