Thousands of £’s or €’s for young horticulturists to broaden their horizons
In keeping with the name change the regional conference this year is in Denmark and the society is announcing its IPPS Travel Scholarship scheme, which is open to 6 young horticulturists, under the age of 30, who are either students or hands on full time horticultural workers.
The initial prize is an expenses paid participation at the regional conference this year. This will include trips to some large nurseries in Denmark, as well as some interesting talks on the methods and techniques used in Denmark. The main prize, which will be won by one of the participants, and is worth up to £5000, will be an expenses paid participation to an IPPS regional conference somewhere else in the world – Australia - South Africa – or America, along with an extended study tour in that country.
The full program for the conference and the details of how to enter are on the website.
It’s a wonderful opportunity for aspiring young professionals to increase their knowledge and network amongst some of the leading nurserymen that can help them in their future career.
Some information:
The IPPS Young Horticulturist Travel Scholarship Scheme
1. Entry to the scheme is open to anyone either already working in commercial ornamental horticulture or studying to enter the industry under the age of 30
2. Although the candidate can apply directly to the IPPS, nominations and or approval should also come from either the candidates employer or the students tutor, whichever is applicable.
To apply
1. The candidates should give a written (email acceptable) résumé of their involvement in the industry so far, and what they want to achieve in the industry in the future. Email the résumé to [email protected]
2. The resume should be received by IPPS before the 31st of July.
3. Places are limited so the résumés will be inspected by a team of industry professionals and the selected candidates will be notified by email, by the middle of August of the outcome of their application.
The price
1. The selected candidates will be invited to attend the regional conference which this year is being held in Denmark from the 24th to the 26th of September.
2. The value of this prize is up to £600.
3. All reasonable travel costs will be covered as well as full board and lodging and all conference fees will be waived.
4. At the conference the candidates will be expected to attend a short interview with a team of professionals and the candidate that impresses the team the most will receive the major travel award which is to attend an IPPS conference at one of the other regions worldwide in 2015. Once again all reasonable travel costs will be covered along with full board and lodging at the conference and a waiving of conference fees.
5. In addition we will arrange for a slightly extended study tour for the candidate who will usually stay with an IPPS member in that country and be given a personal tour of nurseries that are of most interest to them, and which will help them to broaden and further their knowledge of the industry.
6. The value of this prize is up to £5,000.
For more details in the UK email [email protected]
For more details in Denmark email [email protected]
For all other areas email [email protected]