Blok added: "On the other hand, it is good for students to be aware of their opportunities and to know what they can do to increase their chances on the job market."
85% was looking for work
Of those who graduated in the year 2012-2013, 56% was looking for a regular job and 29% for a PhD position, the survey of recent graduates showed. Others indicated that they didn't know what they wanted (7%), that they had returned to their former job (6%) or that they were going to continue studying (2%).Half of them succeeded before graduating
Forty per cent of the respondents that were looking for a PhD position, had found one before graduation. Another 19% of those aiming for a PhD position, found themselves a regular job upon the completion of their education. The rest of those with PhD ambitions did not manage to go straight from university to the work place.
Forty-three per cent of students looking for a regular job, had found employment upon graduation. In many cases, this was also a job they liked to do.
Employment found in many sectors
Wageningen University students find employment in a wide variety of sectors. Eighteen per cent of the respondents with a job started working for a governmental organisation, 15% found employment at a university, 15% at a multinational, 13% at a consultancy agency, 12% at an NGO and 36% at another organisation. That the government employs most of the graduates of 2012-2013 is something new. In previous years a higher number of Wageningen graduates found a job at a multinational or consultancy firm.