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International Garden Expo Suncheon Bay, Korea, 2013:

Korean Traditional Garden wins AIPH prize for best international garden

The Korean Traditional Garden has been awarded the AIPH Prize for best international garden at the Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo 2013. Set in the hillside and encompassing three gardens (The Palace Garden, the Nobleman’s Garden and the Garden of Hope) in one the Korean Traditional Garden seeks to demonstrate harmony with the surrounding environment and detailed composition; two features of Korean garden tradition. The garden includes beautiful pagodas alongside dramatic waterfalls and rare native plants like the Korean winter hazel.
Commenting on the winner AIPH Marketing Committee Chairman and Grand Jury member, Mr Shinya Wada, said “The Korean garden is truly outstanding. Not only is the scale impressive but the story it tells about Korean life and traditions is fascinating for both Korean and international visitors. The structures within the garden are built extremely well, doing justice to the skilful design that ensures the whole garden works so well in this magnificent location.”

MrDoeke Faber (Chairman of the International Jury) and Mr Vic Krahn (AIPHPresident) presenting the AIPH prize money of 7500 euros and the AIPH trophyfor the winning Korean Traditional Garden.

The Expo, which had its closing ceremony on 20th October, has run for the last six months having hosted over 4.3 million visitors from Korea and around the world. In addition to the 13 international gardens there were 34 further outdoor gardens and 25 gardens within the indoor area.

Winning the top prize from the Outdoor Gardens, as well as the overall top award for the expo, was the K Water Garden, produced by Korea’s water company K Water. The garden dramatically shows how the earth changes as water demand goes up and supplies reduce.

Other winners:
  • Best Outdoor Designer Garden: ‘Korean Kitchen Garden’ by Atree
  • Best Outdoor Combined Garden: ‘Journey of Life’ garden by Andy Sturgeon (UK)
  • Best Outdoor City Garden: ‘The Garden of Seoul City’ by Seoul City
  • Best Outdoor Company Garden: ‘K Water Garden’ by K Water
  • Best Indoor International Garden: ‘French Touch Garden’ by Phytolab (France)
  • Best Indoor Domestic Garden: ‘Pure SU:M’ by Babo Art Design
AIPH is responsible for approving international horticultural exhibitions. Marking the end of the Expo in Suncheon Bay, AIPH President Vic Krahn gave a speech to a crowd of over 10,000 people who had gathered for the grand finale. Congratulating the organisers of the expo he told the crowds;

 This expo exemplifies humanity’s need for plants and gardens but as aninternational expo it does even more. Itbrings the nations of the world together to share horticultural traditions andto celebrate innovation. Gardens givehope for the future and an international expo like this shares that hope withthe world.

I knowthat the Suncheon Bay International Garden Expo has been important for boththis city and all of Korea. The legacyfrom the work done here will benefit generations of Suncheon citizens well intothe future.

I feelhonoured to be with you today as you look back over the past six months. The memories you have created will last alifetime and the legacy you leave will shape the future. As this site starts its transformation into anew chapter we now look forwards. Well done and may the things that you havelearned and experienced here at the 2013 International Garden Expo in Suncheonbenefit your city, your nation and your personal lives for the future.”

AIPH President Speech – Mr Vic Krahn (AIPH President) addressing the crowd of over 10,000 people at the closing ceremony of the Expo.

Commentingon the conclusion of another exceptional Expo Tim Briercliffe, AIPH SecretaryGeneral, commented “Garden Expos like this expose literally millions of peopleto the world of gardens, gardening and horticulture. What better way to promote plants than toinvite the world to experience what plants can do? Everyone who visited the Suncheon Bay expowill have left with a new appreciation of plants that they did not havebefore. Organising such an exhibition isno small task but the results are outstanding. It would be great to see many more countries following this example.”

More info on the Korean Traditional Garden can be found here
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