UK: The British Tomato Conference is lighting the way to the future
The event starts with the infamous conference dinner, a real cross-section of the industry that is a superb opportunity for networking, be it growers catching up after a long season, through to suppliers, seed companies and major retailers.
The event however opens on a more serious and important note with the pre dinner address from Christine Tacon, the UKs newly appointed Groceries code adjudicator. With a conference hall of growers and their customers, this is sure to provide some food for thought and spawn some interesting conversation over dinner.
The following day the main conference agenda brings together key commercially relevant technical updates on current new disease control strategies, rootstocks and biological control along with an international perspective on managing water and nutrient inputs.
In the energy sphere, lessons surrounding energy hubs and dehumidification projects will be “hotly” debated, whilst considering the product itself, new data on just what’s in a delicious and highly nutritious British tomato will be discussed.
Mary Bosley, the chair of the new Horticultural Innovation Partnership (HIP) will speak to us about current issues relating to this important new strategy. Amongst other interesting topics covered on the day will be those associated with new, nascent technologies, such as those related to the exciting potential of LED lighting and biological approaches to the management of crop pests.
Phil Pearson, chair of the TGA’s technical committee enthused ‘We believe the 2013 conference has something for everyone and are looking forward to the event with great anticipation’.
The conference is open to all and starts with the address by Christine Tacon at the dinner on the evening of Wed the 25th September 2013, followed by the full day conference on Thursday the 26th September. The TGA has discounts for members and has a range of packages for those who want to attend either just the evening, the conference day or the whole event.
Association Chair Nigel Bartle also added a note of thanks to sponsors “Whilst Phillips are sponsoring the overall event we also have a range of other sponsors and display trade stands which allows us to offer additional benefits such as the evening champagne reception, entertainment, and wine – sponsors really help us bring the whole package together and support the industry by making this such an affordable and attractive event”
Places are limited but the TGA hopes to accommodate as many people as possible, for more information or to reserve your place contact the association on : [email protected] or visit but importantly, put the dates in your diary.