Protect your crop within minutes for excessive weather changes
As part of Cravo’s initiative to introduce its’ retractable roof greenhouses and production systems globally, Cravo has entered into an agreement with Powerplants to develop the Australian market. Growers in Australia will now be able to benefit from the combination of Cravo’s 30 years of retractable roof experience along with Powerplants 18 years of experience in greenhouse projects throughout Australia.
According to Powerplants President - Carl Van Loon, “Cravo retractable roof greenhouses are a perfect complement to our glass house solutions since we can now offer a wider range of structures. The weather in Australia has been very erratic causing huge losses for open field growers. The Cravo houses are a lower cost solution allowing growers in the open field to increase their profitability by protecting hectares of crops in minutes from excessive cold, heat, wind, rain and hail.” The retractable roof greenhouses are ideally suited for growers of high value vegetable crops, berries, stone fruits, and flowers.
The Retractable Roof Production System (RRPS) was developed by Cravo specifically for mild and hot climates. This production system allows growers the opportunity to utilize the benefits of both the natural outdoors, a greenhouse and a shade house simply by opening and closing the roof as outdoor conditions change. The RRPS allows growers to increase yield and quality while extending the harvest season to reach the higher price shoulder seasons while still maintaining the lower production costs of an open field grower.
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