A "Solar Greenhouse" project built by Debets-Schalke in the North-East of Italy
opened last october with great interest. The project consists of three Venlo
greenhouses totalling 43,000m² where a total of 3 Mwattp of Solar panels is
placed. Alongside the priest who consecrated it, many other guests were also
present: namely the mayor and all suppliers including Debets-Schalke. The region is
very pleased with this project because of its dual function: employment and
Words of praise were spoken by the owner and various guests about this
project. In particular the dual function of cultivation and the production of
energy is very positive. The grower tested different products for a year and will
now begin with strawberries and coriander. Certainly the production of
strawberries did very well in the tests, says the technical man responsible for
cultivation. By growing crops in the greenhouse, production can start earlier and can continue for longer. The light which is obviously less in a solar greenhouse (but
certainly not worse), does not obstruct this strawberry cultivation. Harvesting
can now be done when the regular harvest is a bit slower. This also has a positive
affect on the price.
The energy that is produced is far above the expectations in this greenhouse. The
greenhouse is placed facing the south and stands at an angle of 22 degrees.
"The idea has always been to keep the greenhouse as similar as possible to the
standard Venlo greenhouse," says Wim van Weele of Debets-Schalke, who has
been working on it. "The deck is adapted so the solar panels can be placed
according to legal requirements and the requirements of the solar panel
supplier. It remains virtually a standard Venlo greenhouse with multiple
In the wake of this project there are now new systems developed by Debets-
Schalke for solar panels both with and without an aluminium frame. Currently
our own solar panels with frame can even be placed in a completely standard
greenhouse. Alongside the projects going on in different countries, solar greenhouses have also been successfully realised in the Netherlands.
For more information:
Debets – Schalke
Havenstraat 49
Tel 0031 174 24 53 21
[email protected]