Netherlands: New packaging line for Unica Vera products W. de Mooij
Rucola and Mesclum
“We have tried to design packaging that reflects the colourful character of the dish, and so far it seems to be paying off,” says Frits. "Until now, we have been selling mesclun and washed spinach in 500-gram bags, but soon we’ll be marketing the rest of the assortment."
So far demands came from the restaurant business, but now the export is ordering as well. “Unica Vera is still a valued brand, both at home and abroad. That we learn from the ever increasing sales. By continuing to improve our packaging and products, we can keep up with moving trends.”
For more information:
Frits de Mooij
W. de Mooij BV
Groothandelsmarkt 170
3044 HB Rotterdam
Mob: 06-12589687