Improved production, low environmental impact techniques, investments to address the consequences of climate change and to position ourselves strategically on the markets. These are the main areas financed for 2025 with over 108 million euros of European funds, in synergy with producer organizations, and their associations in the fruit and vegetable and potato sectors.
The resources come from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), supporting sectoral interventions in fruit and vegetables and potatoes as provided for by the strategic program of the Common Agricultural Policy. The aid is intended for Producer Organisations and Associations of Producer Organisations in the fruit and vegetables and potatoes sectors recognized by the Emilia-Romagna Region for the expenditure approved in the 11 Operational Programmes presented.
"This financing plan represents a decisive push to support the income of regional fruit and vegetable businesses and supply chains and the potato sector - underlines the Councilor for Agriculture and Relations with the EU, Alessio Mammi (in the photo) -. The attention of the interventions is directed in particular to technological innovation, environmental sustainability and competitiveness on the markets. Actions that are increasingly necessary at a time when the difficulties linked to climate change and adverse factors are heavily affecting the sector. The commitment of the EU and the Region - concludes the Councilor - confirm the centrality of the agricultural sector in the transition towards more responsible and sustainable production models".
Read more at Argen Papa