Spring flowers are popping up around Boston, many of which are grown and planted by city workers. It's a Boston tradition dating back to the 1800s and the founding of the Boston Public Garden, the oldest botanical garden in the U.S.
The city's historic, sprawling greenhouse is located in Franklin Park, made up of 16 ranges housing thousands of plants.
"By no means is this a modern greenhouse," said Superintendent of Horticulture Anthony Hennessy. "We do have heat obviously, and there is ventilation, but if you've been to a modern greenhouse, the floor would be all cement, the floor would be heated, there'd be a way to pump in carbon dioxide gas to enrich plant growth and stuff like that, the humidity could be controlled, and we're sort of not there."
Despite the antiquated facilities, Hennessy and his team are able to grow most of the city's plants there, something that makes Boston unique compared to other big cities. Hennessy said Boston is one of the only major cities that has its own greenhouse and focuses on homegrown landscaping.
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