BASF I Nunhems® has invited growers, plant raisers, processors, dealers, and retail partners to its yearly Demo Days to get first-hand information on the company's commercial seed assortment, novelties, and innovative solutions on four demo fields. At Nunhem, where the company's headquarters are located, the latest developments and solutions for leeks, carrots, and celeriac will be presented on demo fields. In addition, visitors to Nunhems' location in 's-Gravenzande will be able to find out about both open-field cultivation as well as high-tech cultivation of leafies in hydroponic greenhouses.
"Availability and cost of labor are among the most pressing problems for growers today. That's why we chose mechanization and automation as a focus topic this year", explains Silvia Cifre, Vice President of Marketing & Sales. "Our guests can look forward to various field demonstrations on integrated solutions offered together with partners. It is therefore also the first time, that we are teaming up with equipment producers and other business partners to show how our seeds go together with their concepts."
Mechanize and More
One example is the demonstration of mechanical harvesting of iceberg lettuce together with the Italian harvesting machine producer Ortomec. Growers will have the opportunity to witness a real innovation as BASF I Nunhems® is currently developing the first iceberg variety suited to be harvested mechanically. Another highlight will be a cleaning presentation with Flexiton leek, a variety that can reduce cleaning costs for growers by up to 20 percent.
All demos are set up as personal meetings with sales specialists and go by appointment only. That way, the team is able to closely tailor the offer to its guests' expectations and can encourage intensive discussions. The goal is to not only present the company's solutions but to also collect input and ideas from the customers that can be taken back to the product development teams.
For more information:
Úlia de Domènech
Tel: +31 614 608815
Email: [email protected]